a year with Bishop Conley

As Bishop James Conley marks a year in the Lincoln Diocese, the Clark team reflects on what a blessing and privilege this past year has been.  It has been an honor to introduce Bishop Conley to the projects we have worked on for the Diocese. To see these buildings blessed, enthroned to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, used for liturgies (and even an ordination!) over the past year has given us a deep sense of joy. Additionally, we are thankful for all the wisdom Bishop Conley has expressed in his speaking and writings over this year. To summarize the theme of Bishop Conley's episcopacy thus far it would be "beauty." And the theological understanding of beauty has direct application to the proper design of a church. As Bl. John Paul II states in his Letter to Artists "The theme of beauty is decisive for a discourse on art . . . beauty is the visible form of the good" (3). He continues that the vocation of the artist, or architect in this case, is in the service of beauty. Indeed, beauty will save the world.

Clark Architects extends a heartfelt congratulations on marking one year in Nebraska, and we hope it is the first of many more to come.